Concerti per violoncello
Works by Gabrielli, Antoniotto, Platti, Dall’Abaco, Jacchini, Sanguinazzo, Vivaldi
After her first solo record, ‘E il violoncello suonò’, Hanna Salzenstein, in this second opus, gets on with the story of the emergence of the solo cello in Italy in the early 18th century, highlighting the concertante repertoire for solo cello and orchestra in a period immediately following the birth of the concerto itself. The concerto is here the most iconic genre regarding the emancipation of an instrument. It is the locus of the demonstration of finger dexterity as well as that of expressiveness and profoundness intrinsic to the cello. Hanna Salzenstein is accompanied by the Orchestra of the ensemble Le Consort. Released in early 2025 on the Mirare label, the album was awarded a Choc Classica.